6 min read
08 February 2024

Navigating the Next Chapter: Job Search Strategies Post-Layoff

Celine Hong, Outreach Coordinator, Workforce Development

Have you, or someone you know, been recently laid off?

Searching for a job after being laid off can be an undoubtedly challenging and stressful journey. However, with the right strategies, it can also be an opportunity to refresh your career.

Navigating this uncertain terrain demands a strategic approach and a resilient mindset. Though easier said than done, confronting these challenges head on can transform this transitional phase into a promising launchpad for the next chapter in your career.

Here are some practical steps to guide you through this transition and set the stage for a successful return to the professional world.

Ready for personalized support? Connect with one of our experienced job coaches to elevate your job search strategy!


1. Shift Your Mindset and List Your Achievements

Person writing on paper at a desk

During a layoff, it's common to lean towards negativity. However, it's crucial to steer your mindset in a positive direction throughout your job search. Engaging in activities you enjoy, whether spending time with friends and family, hitting the gym, or pursuing hobbies can help. Seeking support from loved ones or even learning something new by taking a course can expand your skills and knowledge. By taking positive actions, you can help boost your well-being.

Losing a job suddenly is undoubtedly overwhelming, but taking a moment to list your achievements can help remind you of your strengths and successes. This can help you feel empowered and increase your confidence.

Remember, you have the ability to change your perspective and approach to the situation and find another opportunity at your own pace.


2. Boost Your Job Hunt with Networking

Person attending a job fair and shaking hands with employer

Feeling alone in your job search? You don't have to face it solo. Reach out to friends, family, acquaintances, or former colleagues who might be aware of fitting job opportunities for you.

Whether it's through digital networking on platforms like LinkedIn or scrolling through your phone contacts, leveraging your network can streamline your job search, saving time and connecting you with individuals who may be able to refer you to relevant positions. Sometimes, it’s not just about focusing on what job you’re looking for, but rather who you know across your personal and professional networks.

Believe it or not, job hunting requires a lot more than just a polished resume and cover letter. Step out of your comfort zone and attend networking events like job fairs, where you’ll have the chance to connect with employers from various companies and organizations and possibly land a job interview! Find networking events here, or learn more about networking by checking out this blog.


3. Craft a Standout LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn webpage with profile photos


Before reaching out to someone in your LinkedIn network or applying to a recent job posting, check to see if your LinkedIn profile needs any updates. This could include adding a new professional headshot as your profile picture or highlighting any recent skills and experiences that align with positions you’re interested in.

One valuable tip is to use the right keywords in your LinkedIn profile. One way to do this is by reviewing the job descriptions of positions you’re applying for and identify any key skills, attributes, or qualifications. Be sure to incorporate these relevant keywords into your profile to optimize it for the types of roles you’re seeking.

This not only helps your profile stand out but also increases the likelihood of being noticed by recruiters or hiring managers searching for candidates with specific skills and qualifications.

Looking for more tips to enhance your LinkedIn profile? Check out this article by TopResume that covers 12 effective ways to make your LinkedIn profile stand out!

4. Explore Opportunities on Career Sites

Female writing notes and using laptop and staring at computer screen.


In addition to networking, explore job opportunities through career sites. These online platforms serve as virtual spaces where companies post job openings, connecting employers with potential candidates. To utilize career sites effectively, you can search for them on Google or visit dedicated employment websites such as Indeed, Job Bank of Canada, Workopolis, etc. Check out this list of the 25 Top Free Career Sites in Canada to kickstart your job search.

Some career sites provide the option to create an account, allowing you to set up alerts and notifications for new job listings, ensuring you stay informed about opportunities. Make sure to regularly update your email address and check your inbox to apply promptly and seize potential openings. These platforms are valuable tools for discovering positions across various industries and conducting a strategic job search by filtering options based on specific criteria. For additional tips and tricks on using career sites, refer to this article from Indeed.


5. Revitalize your Resumé for Impact

Person holding a resume

Your resumé is your personal marketing tool, and making it stand out is key to securing your desired job. Begin by updating your contact information and ensuring it is current, especially your email address and phone number.

Next, focus on crafting a compelling summary that highlights your key skills and experiences. Tailor your resumé to each job application, emphasizing relevant accomplishments and skills. Use action verbs to convey achievements and maintain a clean, easy-to-read format – avoiding fancy fonts and colours that may hinder readability. Incorporate keywords from job descriptions to navigate applicant tracking systems effectively.

Don’t forget to showcase any recent certifications or training you’ve completed. A polished resumé not only reflects your professionalism but also increases your chances of catching the recruiter’s eye.

Need help polishing your resumé? Explore our monthly workshop calendar for complimentary online resumé workshops. Attend to gain valuable tips and tricks on ensuring your resumé leaves a lasting impression on employers!


Re-entering the job market after being laid off can be challenging, but adopting a positive mindset, updating your resumé, acquiring new skills, and networking – whether online or in person – can pave the way for new career opportunities.

If you require support or assistance in your job search, explore the resources available on WoodGreen's Employment Services page, or book an appointment to get connected with one of our Employment Counsellors.

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