2 min read
20 September 2022

Caring for Toronto’s children fulfills one woman’s lifelong dream

Susan Fuehr, Communications Consultant

Little kids hold a big place in Jocel Queman’s heart. “I’ve always known that I wanted to work with children.” What she didn’t know was exactly how to make that dream job a reality.

Growing up in the Philippines, Jocel couldn’t have known that one day she would be a Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) on the other side of the world, working at WoodGreen’s Woodfield Child Care Centre.

After moving to Canada in 2016, Jocel enrolled in the ECE program at George Brown College. While browsing a job fair at the college, Jocel discovered WoodGreen and the services it offers to the people of Toronto. She was thrilled to see WoodGreen was hiring ECEs and immediately applied.

Play-based learning for children up to age 12

What began as an 18-month on-call position has turned into a deeply meaningful career for Jocel. She is now the assistant supervisor at the Woodfield Child Care Centre, where licensed staff can care for children as young as a few weeks old to the age of 12. WoodGreen has a play-based learning structure allowing children to learn through experience, exploration and interactions with others. The centre is located within the Duke of Connaught Junior and Senior Public School, and is the provider of before- and after-school care for children enrolled in the school in addition to its programs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

As assistant supervisor, it falls to Jocel to remain on top of everything that’s happening across the centre in all age groups. She assists with staffing and scheduling as well as ensuring all ratios and safety protocols are followed.

Children growing up right before her eyes

While working directly with the children is fun, Jocel says the administrative part of her work is also fulfilling.

It makes me happy that I’m able to see the whole picture of all children going through their transitions and hitting milestones.”

As her role requires her to move from room to room, Jocel sees children of all ages and engages with them in their play, discoveries and learning. She says she loves seeing them do things on their own that they may have not been able to do just a day before.

Providing support for parents/guardians

Perhaps equally important is the support Jocel provides to parents as they grow with their children. WoodGreen works hard to accommodate the needs of children and their families and ensure staff keep families up to date on their child's activities.

While the children grow up and move on, Jocel says her coworkers truly make her job feel like home. She finds her workplace inclusive and accommodating, often encouraging friends and family looking to become an ECE to apply to WoodGreen.

I wish I knew about WoodGreen earlier,” she says. “I would’ve started working here a long time ago.”

WoodGreen is so grateful for all of the enthusiastic, approachable and passionate child care staff like Jocel who contribute to the culture and environment here at WoodGreen.

To all the childcare staff: we appreciate you, thank you for all that you do!

If you’re interested in becoming a part of our childcare team, please visit our careers page.

For more information about WoodGreen’s child care programs, including locations, fee structures and more, please visit our website for details.

Co-written with Imaan Walji

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