Applications for membership to WoodGreen must be received by February 29, 2024.
Please complete all three of the following sections, press the “Submit” button and then go to your email to verify that you have a message from WoodGreen confirming that your membership application has been received.
All three of the qualifications listen in Section 2 below must be met in order to qualify for membership and all membership applications are subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors of WoodGreen.
The Board of Directors of WoodGreen will review applications received and provide approval by March 31, 2024, or by such other date as shall be determined from time to time by the Board.
Your personal information will be used for the purposes of administering and renewing your membership, and to keep you informed about the work, membership issues, and events relevant to Member of WoodGreen. WoodGreen will not disclose or share your personal information expect where required by law.
Your email address will assist WoodGreen in keeping our administrative costs low. By providing an e-mail address, you are consenting to WoodGreen communicating with you on membership matters by e-mail.